Kate Winslet Calls for Action to Protect Children’s Mental Health in the Online World

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In a heartfelt plea during her BAFTA(British Academy Film Awards) acceptance speech, award-winning actress Kate Winslet highlighted the urgent need for action to safeguard children’s well-being in the digital age.

Winslet’s latest project, “I Am Ruth,” explores the struggles of a mother and her child navigating mental health challenges stemming from the online world. Speaking directly to parents, she empathized with their feelings of helplessness and emphasized the importance of open communication with teenagers.

Addressing young individuals caught in the grip of an unhealthy online environment, Winslet urged them to seek help without shame, assuring them that support is available. She emphasized the responsibility of those with the power to effect change, urging them to prioritize the well-being of children and eliminate harmful content.

Through her advocacy, Winslet shines a spotlight on the pressing need to prioritize children’s mental health and ensure their safe navigation of the online world.

Watch her full speech here:

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